Saturday, January 7, 2017

31 Weeks, 4 Days Pregnant!

How far along: 31 weeks, 4 days

Total weight gain: +24.2 lbs 

Stretch marks: Still no! I'm kind of shocked at this point, but not questioning it. I still have a TON more growing to do, so I'm not considering myself in the clear or anything.

Sleep: Great! I've been putting lavender on the bottom of my feet before going to bed, and it's really changed my sleeping for the better. I still wake up to roll over, but I fall back to sleep immediately. Still having insane and vivid dreams, which is very fun.

Best moment this week: New Years Eve was really fun because we went out to a fancy dinner in the city, and just enjoyed a very quiet and small atmosphere with delicious food. But the very best was probably Thursday. Jon and I both had a snow day, so we spent all day holed up in our apartment with Happy. Jon had a lot of work to do, but we were still able to hang out a ton. Plus, Logan and Linda came over with dessert from Eddie Merlot's! Logan was in town for less than 24 hours, so it was really special that he made time for us, AND doted on us with delicious treats. Linda is constantly dropping off yummy desserts for us. They are both just the best. Logan will be back in town next week, so we're crossing our fingers that we'll be able to see him again.

Worst moment this week: Monday! I was in so much pain on Monday, and I was convinced something was wrong. I spent most of the day in bed, crying on and off. My back was in agony, and I was having my first episode of Braxton Hicks contractions. It was the first time I just felt incredibly defeated that I still have two more months of being pregnant. I've been feeling pretty good since, but that was not fun. 

Food cravings: None. I'm totally not into sweets anymore. I tried really hard just now to eat some Christmas candy, but I could only have a bite before I put it away. How sad for me!

Gender: I told Jon I'm 95% sure it's a boy. So I'm also assuming I'm wrong and it's a girl :)

Movement: A little less than normal, but doctor said that's how it's supposed to be. Baby isn't violently kicking as much, but slowly pressing against my belly. On Wednesday, my first day back with kids, the baby didn't move all day. I was really concerned, but I think it was startled with all the constant noise after 2 weeks of peace and quiet. Baby really was kicking up a storm on our snow day, so I know all is well!

Symptoms: On and off back pain, Braxton Hicks contractions, and I'm officially starting to get the waddle.

Wedding rings on or off: On! I still have yet to experience significant swelling, which is really nice.

Happy or moody: A bit of both. I'm generally in a good mood, but the intense pain of my body on Monday really brought me down. Jon is seriously a champion. While I was crying in bed on Monday, he cleaned the apartment, brought me drinks and food, and was consistently checking in to see if I needed anything. He says goodnight to be each night by asking if I need a snack or a drink or a massage, and reminds me that I can ask for anything at any time. I always knew he was selfless and generous, but he's somehow exceeding all my expectations. I'm the luckiest.

Missing anything: Beer and wine! I was listing for Jon all the alcohol I want to get after baby is born. I was not a big drinker at all before getting pregnant, but there's something about drinking a beer while cooking, or lounging on the couch with a glass of wine that I really miss. I was talking to my old coworker, Zack, about it and he said his wife was the same way at this point in pregnancy. I'm glad to know it's normal, and I definitely am not going to go crazy after baby comes, but I'm looking forward to it.

Looking forward to: Next weekend already! Jon and I both have a three day weekend because of MLK day, and our next appointment is on Monday. We're doing a lunchtime appointment, and then going to find some food in the city. I'm still loving our city dates, and want them to happen as much as possible before our little one crashes the party. Our doctor said we'll either do an ultrasound at this next appointment, or the one after to double check that baby is in position and all is as it should be. Then the next time we see our baby, they'll be in our arms! It's nuts. On Tuesday I'll officially be 8 months pregnant, and only have 8 weeks to go! (By the way, how rude that everyone says you're pregnant for 9 months. 40 weeks = 10 months, guys. Let's not diminish the feat that women go through to have children!)

This was from New Years Eve! Jon and I didn't get a shot together, so you'll have to make due with separate shots.
Jon at Fooducopia!
Just Happy being painfully cute. He's snoozing on the rocker as we speak :)

Jon made chocolate chip pancakes for our snow day.

Favorite part of the nursery! This dresser was a beast to construct, but it turned out beautiful!

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