Saturday, December 3, 2016

26 Weeks, 4 Days Pregnant!

How far along: 26 weeks, 4 days

Total weight gain: +17.2 lbs (down 1.4 lbs from last week due to being a little sick)

Maternity clothes: On and off. I can still fit into my regular khakis and gray pants that I use a lot for work, so that's awesome. Still a lot of leggings and tunics!

Stretch marks: Not yet! I hear this is around when they will appear. Eek!

Sleep: Doing well on and off. I definitely wake up a lot more than normal, but I usually have no problem sleeping. Thursday night I couldn't fall asleep until 3am and then was wide awake at 4:45am, so I'm hoping that was a fluke and not an omen of what's to come. I love my sleep!

Best moment this week: Getting potential buyers of our bed! Jon posted the mattress on craigslist and almost immediately someone responded. I'm hoping we can have it out ASAP so we can start to decorate!

Worst moment this week: Being sick earlier in the week. I was throwing up on Monday so I stayed home. I really didn't feel better Tuesday, but went to work anyway. It was a very hard day. It's not fun to be exhausted and nauseous and still have to manage 30 10-year olds at a time.Luckily I felt great the rest of the week, so that made up for it.

Food cravings: Not really! I really don't have much of a taste for sweets as I last week. We've been eating really healthy (having a delish salad for lunch and homemade ratatouille for dinner), and that helps me feel full and good about the weight I am gaining.

Gender: Totally switched to thinking it's a boy now. Everyone at work convinced me because my bump is "small" (I don't know what they're talking about) and high. One lady even said I don't even look pregnant from behind and I almost hugged her! It's been fun to be at the same point as Grace, because we look so different! Her little girl is sitting very low. We debated yesterday morning if whether it's because she's having a girl this time, or it's just a second baby thing. I guess we will see! We're pretty set on a girl's name, but the boy is alluding us!

Movement: Lots of movement! Baby is pretty still from 8:00-12:15 and the second I drop the kids off at lunch, baby goes crazy. Happy has taken to sleeping on my belly, but never notices when baby is kicking him in the face. Unfortunately, every time baby is moving and I tell Jon to look or touch, baby stops the minute he does. Jon doesn't seem to mind and just says they like to play hide and seek :)

Symptoms: Back ache! I never knew it could hurt this much just from sitting around. I got my first case of heartburn today after eating chai pumpkin bread :( 

Belly button in or out: Out. My kids shamelessly stare at it constantly. It does wonders for someone's self esteem. 

Wedding rings on or off: On. Now that it's getting cold, I have hope I can wear them non-stop!

Happy or moody: Mostly happy! I was pretty miserable when I was sick, but Jon helped a lot. We planned 3 crock pot meals this week, and it was great to come home to cooked dinners. We're already looking at what food we can freeze for dinners before baby comes. I'm looking at some baby slings in the hopes that I can wear baby and cook soon after he/she joins us. Anyway! Jon and I talked about how I haven't really been moody much at all this pregnancy, which is awesome. I have some hard days, but moodiness for me is mostly feeling sad, not snapping at Jon or being super grumpy. 

Looking forward to: Getting the queen bed and frame out of the guest room so we can begin setting up! Our rocker comes sometime next week, so I would LOOOOVE if the bed was gone by then. We have a lot of organizing and setting up to do. We'll hopefully do the crib next weekend (if the bed is gone), and then we need to find a dresser/changing table and we're good with furniture! I think setting up the nursery will make it all feel a bit more real. Next weekend is also Jon's work Christmas party in Denver and I'm really excited for that. I want to find a cute dress and get all fancy!

Just one month's difference! Wow.
Happy's all about my belly. He's getting a lot better at not stepping all his body weight on it, but he always has a paw or his head resting on it. It's a dream.
See! <3
Look at this hand-knitted blanket! Being an amateur knitter, I am very impressed and touched to have this. It's going to look great draped across our navy rocker!

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