Sunday, November 20, 2016

24 Weeks, 5 Days Pregnant!

This is my one and only school shirt. I order it in a medium so I could grow into it, and now I think I'm on the verge of growing out of it!
How far along: 24 weeks, 5 days

Total weight gain: +16.8 lbs. Still (quickly) rising!

Maternity clothes: Yep! Since it's break and we'll be traveling, I have a lot of comfy and loose fitted clothing planned. 

Stretch marks: Nope!

Sleep: Good! We slept around 8 hours on Friday night, and then I fell asleep on the couch for 2.5 hours before going back to bed last night. It's been getting more difficult to roll over and to accommodate my belly. I was a total belly sleeper, so this has been quite the transition process.

Best moment this week: For sure yesterday! We took down all the Thanksgiving decorations and put up all our Christmas stuff. You may be thinking it's way too early, but now when we get home from our road trip in a week, the whole apartment will be clean and ready for the holidays with no effort from us! Last night we made Sean Herbert's famous BBQ burgers. Except we used the cast iron skillet so it wasn't as delicious and the grill flavor. We also took apart the guest bed, which is the first step in crafting together this nursery for baby. Now just to get someone to buy it...

Worst moment this week: I'm not quite sure I've really had one! It'll be a bummer to see Jon go to work tomorrow when I'll be home, but I have a lot of cleaning planned. I'm going to do all the laundry so we have fresh clothes for our trip and don't have laundry when we get home. And Happy's getting much needed haircut.  I guess something that's annoying is that people still will touch my belly without being asked. I am just not a touchy-feely person to begin with, and, for an emotional pregnant lady, I do not want people grabbing the part of my body that just keeps getting bigger. It's weird that being pregnant makes all social norms go out the window. I don't go around grabbing people's bellies on a whim, and you shouldn't either - even if it is a pregnant belly! Rant over :)

Food cravings: Sweets still. Charleston Chews - which I found for $1 and have split it into three servings when it really says you can split it into two! Also bread. We've been eating a lot of pizza and calzones and cheesy bread with marinara. Yum. I'm so excited to get my hands on some Portillos!! Especially their delicious Italian Beef with sweet peppers! And the chopped salad... Can't wait!

Gender: No idea, still! My mind changes basically daily as to what it will be. Jon and I took Happ for a walk and where talking about how we should probably whittle down our name list, but we decided we'll probably go to the hospital having no clue what the final name will be. And we both prefer it that way. We had a bunch of names picked out for the dog, and they just didn't fit. We're excited to see the baby and find a name that suits them perfectly.

Movement: Yep! Nothing that keeps me awake, which is great, but pretty consistently. Baby still likes to kick very hard at night - so you can see it outside my belly - and when I first lay down at night. It's also been kicking against Happy a little when he lays his whole body on my belly. Smart kid.

Symptoms: Acne still, but I think I found a good moisturizer that is helping some of the issue. I've noticed my hair and skin is waaaaay dryer here since there is little to no humidity. Also difficulty getting my socks and shoes on. It's starting to hurt when I bend over now.

Belly button in or out: Out.

Wedding rings on or off: On. I read this is the week that swelling really takes affect, so I'm drinking a lot of water and sitting often.

Happy or moody: Happy! I'm very excited for our road trip and then the fact that we're going back to Illinois to see our family and friends! I can't wait to drive around and see everything we've missed. And it will be a blast to celebrate Thanksgiving and our little one with everyone we love :)

Looking forward to: Well, everything I said up above! I'm also really excited for another road trip with Jon. Road trips are exhausting, but we always make them fun and it's time with Jon when we would normally be working. Plus seeing my parents and Jon's family. I'm also very excited for Happy to see the family. He's always so surprised everyone still exists when they visit, so it will be very fun to see him back in his element and terrorizing Charlie.

You know it's going to be a good day when you wake up to these two

He's lucky we're planning to wash the sheets soon. If you look closely, you can see a dusting of fine black hair.

Our Christmas mantle! This is only a portion of how Christmas-y our apartment is. We have garlands and lights and little trees and trinkets everywhere! I'm obsessed :)

Happy trying to show the bump that he was here first.

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