Sunday, November 6, 2016

22 Weeks, 5 Days Pregnant!

How far along: 22 weeks, 5 days

Total weight gain: 12 lbs

Maternity clothes: Yes! I got a bunch of great clothes from my mom for my birthday! And now I have two pair of maternity jeans, and they are truly game changers. I don't know what I was waiting for. I wore maternity jeans and a maternity long sleeved tee to the grocery store today, and I felt like it made me look more pregnant to have clothes that fit. It was nice :)

Stretch marks: Nope! Jon's mom got me a stretch mark prevent trio that I've been having my eye on since I got pregnant! I know stretch marks are truly just genetics, but it was very pampering to use peppermint scrub and belly butter after my shower.

Sleep: Still my favorite. 9.5 hours last night! Planning on getting some shut eye soon to take advantage of that extra hour. What better way to use it than for sleeping!?

Best moment of the week: Yesterday by far. I had to take that test, and it was disappointingly harder than I wanted it to be, so I was in a grumpy mood to start. But we got Starbucks and then headed to Boulder! We ate at Dish Gormet, which has great and unique sandwiches. I got the Thanksgiving - turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, gravy, and melted cheese on ciabatta. YUM!
Then we went to Celestial Seasonings for a tea tour. It was so neat! You got a little ceramic mug and got to sample literally ANY of their teas. Then you got a tour of the factory and learned how tea is made - this is where Jon got/had to wear a beard-net as well as a hairnet. And then they drop you off in the tea shop (duh) and I picked out two boxes of tea. So fun. After that, we went to Fuzziwigs and got a bunch of fun candy (salt water taffy and a mixed variety of nuts coated in dark chocolate) and sodas. Our last stop was to a long line in Voodoo Donuts to pick up some delish donuts!
That same night, we went to Seasons 52 and got the best food, again. We got a cheese fondue to start, which Jon practically licked clean. Then I got a lamb chop and Jon got lobster parpadelle. They noticed I was pregnant and got me a sparkling raspberry lemonade, so that was fun. And for dessert I tried the peanut butter chocolate shooter and Jon raved over the pecan pie shooter. And then we ate donuts in bed and watched Beauty and the Beast. It was a dream day.

Worst moment of the week: Definitely leaving for work last Monday. It was Happy's birthday so I felt bad knowing he'd be alone all day plus, you know, it was Monday. But to make up for it, Jon worked from home on Friday so we had a bonus day this weekend! How lucky am I?

Food cravings: Lots of sweets. Dark chocolate for sure. 

Gender: Mystery!

Movement: Somewhat consistently. When I'm on the school schedule, I could predict when the baby will be active, but now that it's the weekend, the movement is a lot more unpredictable.

Symptoms: Definitely backache, which sometimes wakes me up. I've also been getting calf-cramps randomly in the middle of the night. And it's definitely getting harder to put my socks on.

Belly button in or out: Out.

Wedding rings on or off: On!!

Happy or moody: Definitely a bit of both. I never get moody in the sense of short tempered, but more sad for no reason at all. I usually find Jon and he helps fix that right away :)

Looking forward to: Thanksgiving! We're getting really close, and I'm super excited. It'll be a very hectic week, but we're so ready to visit home. Plus we're decorating for Christmas the weekend before so the apartment is all done when we get home. And Jon got me the most amazing red flannel sheets that we'll put on right before we leave so we'll have fresh sheets to come home to. Clearly, we've never considered this before.

Feeling incredibly spoiled.

He is not letting the belly get in his way

The Thanksgiving from Dish Gormet!

My dream man fresh from a tea tour!

I wore this dress almost exactly two years ago to Genevieve's baptism! Pretty surprised to find the size 0 dress still fit! You go Loft!

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