8 weeks
Hart's weight
11.6 lbs
11.6 lbs
Hart has recently moved to the nursery and he has done GREAT with the transition. He's learning really quickly how to self soothe, and has slept 6-7 hours the past few nights! He also takes pretty scheduled naps - 1 hour in the morning and two hours in the afternoon. Then he typically hangs out until we go to bed anywhere between 9-10. We're going to slowly start moving bedtime up in 15 minute increments until his last feeding is at 7:30. Hopefully he just keeps sleeping longer and longer! We're on the exact right track and at this point I think he'll be sleeping 12 hours by 3 months!
Check out this adorable muslin quilt. I'm obsessed. |
Definitely Hart moving over to the nursery. I was pretty bummed about it the first night, but it is so cozy in there, and we have a really sweet bedtime routine, and it feels more beneficial to ALL of us in the long run. Plus it definitely helped that he made the leap really smooth on us. This kid. Always being the best.
On Thursday, we went downtown for lunch with Jon and it was my favorite downtown date yet - even counting all the ones we had while I was pregnant! I wore Hart and we took the bus to the Civic Center where they had "Civic Center Eats." Basically a TON of food trucks. Jon got a BBQ brisket sandwich and I got a fried catfish poboy and both were deeeelicious. For dessert we got sorbet that was 100% frozen fruit. I got a mango, strawberry, banana float that was in mandarin lime soda. It was so good! Hart did great, although he did get fussy while I was eating my sandwich over his head.
After we ate, we took the bus back, and I saw Jon's new office. It looks amazing! They're painting today, so it's only going to look better. Jon's boss made all the furniture - stained wood and dark piping desks. Jon's is a standing desk, too, so that's pretty cool. There's also a nursing room right next to his office! We used it to change Hart, but it's pretty neat to see how accessible it is for working moms - granted there was no lock on the door so that was kind of odd. It's so easy to go downtown, especially wearing Hart, and we're pretty excited to keep this up :)
We went to Golden today and went to an outlet mall! I got a great nursing dress and shorts, and Jon got pants, shorts, and a nice button down, and Hart got way too many adorable things. We signed up at Carters for their reward program, so that contributed to some spending. But everything is adorable and, honestly, we haven't bought him clothes! We've gotten all his clothes as gifts so it was fun to pick some stuff out ourselves.
After we ate, we took the bus back, and I saw Jon's new office. It looks amazing! They're painting today, so it's only going to look better. Jon's boss made all the furniture - stained wood and dark piping desks. Jon's is a standing desk, too, so that's pretty cool. There's also a nursing room right next to his office! We used it to change Hart, but it's pretty neat to see how accessible it is for working moms - granted there was no lock on the door so that was kind of odd. It's so easy to go downtown, especially wearing Hart, and we're pretty excited to keep this up :)
We went to Golden today and went to an outlet mall! I got a great nursing dress and shorts, and Jon got pants, shorts, and a nice button down, and Hart got way too many adorable things. We signed up at Carters for their reward program, so that contributed to some spending. But everything is adorable and, honestly, we haven't bought him clothes! We've gotten all his clothes as gifts so it was fun to pick some stuff out ourselves.
Jon and I were looking at newborn pictures of Hart, and it really bummed me out to see how much he's grown. He was drowning in newborn clothes, and now it's laughable to think they ever fit him. I've also started to go through his clothes to see what we have/need for upcoming size ranges, and it's crazy to see how big he'll get in such a short amount of time. He has everything he needs for the 3-6 month size group minus a few pair of shorts and sweats that I'll probably grab on the cheap at TJ Maxx. He has TONS of overalls! I think it's pretty hilarious, and plan to have those be a summer staple. Anyway, I packed away my most favorite newborn outfits today, and really can't believe he's already moved out of a size group! And I wouldn't be surprised if he grew out of 0-3 months soon, too. It's pretty devastating.
Just LOOK at how big he looks! :( |
Still being a total rockstar. He is eating every 4 hours during the day, usually has a snack right before bed, and then wakes once to eat in the middle of the night - which is quickly turning into early morning, around 4 or 5. His night feeding is gradually becoming shorter and shorter, which is great! I think he's figuring out to eat more during the day, which allows him to go longer at night. I'm trying to encourage him to guzzle down as much as he wants so that mama gets more shut eye at night!
SMILING. This has been the best so far. He smiles when you chat with him or sing to him - though it can sometimes take 10 minutes to coax one out! - and is even starting to smile when he sees Jon or me walk in the room. It's seriously heaven. I was cooking dinner the other day and then popped down to say hello as he was sitting on the Boppy, and he looked like seeing me was the happiest he'll ever be. I may have shed a tear. It's also really fun to see him with Jon. You can tell he's starting to recognize that Jon's face isn't around as much as mom's old face, so he just stares at Jon all night. He absolutely loves his dad. I don't blame him!
He is getting better at holding his head up, too. He does not really like tummy time, but will hold his head up when you hold him upright. He still is a little bobble-head-like so you gotta be careful, but still exciting!
Another big thing is that he's starting to grab onto things. He likes to hold my necklace while nursing, and will grasp Jon's chest hair, much to his dismay.
Another big thing is that he's starting to grab onto things. He likes to hold my necklace while nursing, and will grasp Jon's chest hair, much to his dismay.
Looking forward to
Hart's two month check up is coming up, and I'm really excited to see where he's at. By our calculations, he seems to be growing at a steady pace, but it will be nice to get some confirmation. He has to get his two-month shots, which will be devastating, but I'm planning to put him right in the sling to cozy up and feel better. Knowing him, he'll be totally cool and collected.
Also, Mother's Day celebrations! We're not doing Mother's/Father's Day gifts, but rather doing a fun day out the Saturday before our special day. So I'm choosing to go to Snooze for breakfast and then to Boulder for their Farmer's Market and live music extravaganza! They have a farmers market every Saturday and live music every 2nd Saturday of the month. Perfect timing! I'm excited to wear Hart around Boulder and get some yummy food and fresh flowers. Then we're going to come home and take Happy to the dog park! And to finish the night, Jon's going to make me a dinner of my choice. I'm thinking black bean burgers, sweet potato fries, and edamame!
It also looks like Nana and Poppy will be visiting over Memorial Day, so that will be awesome! The weather should be great by then, so hopefully we can go out and do something fun. I'm itching to go to the mountains with Hart for the first time, so this could be the perfect excuse! It will be great to see them, especially considering Hart was only a week old the last time they saw him! He sure has changed a lot since then. It's nice, too, because he's on a really consistent nap and eating schedule, so it will be easy to time things so he's not missing naps and being fussy. He'll just be his happy, smily self!
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Just morning snuggles before Jon leaves for work :) |
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