Total weight gain: +33 lbs
Stretch marks: The first have appeared :( They are between my old belly button piercing and where my belly button is now. Sometimes they look like tiny cuts, but I think they're stretch marks.
Sleep: Eh. I had been sleeping great - like 9+ hours a night. And then on Thursday morning I woke up at 4:30am, and Thursday night I got 1 hour and 45 minutes of sleep according to my FitBit. Thank heavens we had a PD the next day at school because there's no way I would have been a quality teacher. It's starting to get very uncomfortable/painful because baby has most definitely dropped and there's an extreme amount of pressure in my pelvis. You can't just snooze off when it feels there's a bowling ball in your pelvis. Luckily last night I got 9.5 hours of sleep, so it's all evened out. Plus I have Monday off to recuperate!
Best moment this week: Tuesday was fun because it was Valentine's Day and our doctor's appointment. The appointment was as uneventful as ever - baby is still alive! But we went back to el Camino and got $1 tacos and delicious queso and guac. It was a $15 dinner, which is pretty impressive for Valentine's Day!
I also got Jon and microwavable s'mores maker, so we've been indulging in that since Valentines!
Thursday and Friday were great because my school doted on me both days with tons of beautiful and practical baby essentials. I've only been there 7 months, and I was completely overwhelmed by the love and support. Each half hour on Thursday people popped into my room and filled up a beautiful basket with onesies, swaddles, blankets, lotion, bath essentials, and tons of books. And on Friday, there was a breakfast and tons of diapers and just a nice little gathering before our Professional Development started. It was especially fun because they doted on Grace as well. I can't believe how lucky I am to be pregnant when she is, and have this amazing support system when I still feel new here. So much love.
Worst moment this week: Definitely Thursday night getting my cavities filled. The nurse who did my Novocain was a little harsh and I still feel kind of bruised in my mouth. I was also having a few fleeting contractions, and my hands were really shaky, and I thought I was going to throw up. Not ideal when your mouth is gradually going numb. It helped to go to the bathroom and get some water, but was not fun while it was happening. The dentist filled three cavities in 20 minutes, so that was a blessing. And she reiterated this was not my fault and it won't happen again as long as I'm following my home care routine - which I plan to!
Food cravings: Definitely peanut butter and chocolate combinations. I had the most delicious and rich pancake flight at Snooze this morning that REALLY hit the spot.
Movement: Still very active, even though the doctor mentioned it will slow down. Baby likes to roll either a foot or elbow or knee around my belly button and it's quite easy to see.
Symptoms: Just a lot of pelvic pressure. It's worse when I've been sitting for a while because baby just hunkers down in my pelvis. Sleeping is getting uncomfortable, but that's all normal!
Labor signs: Not really. I've had very minor contractions which I'm able to talk and walk through without thought, and sometimes I'm not even sure they are contractions because they're so vague or fleeting. The doctor said at our last visit to anticipate 3 more weeks of baby in belly!
Wedding rings on or off: On. I got my engagement ring off yesterday, but popped it right back on. I'm definitely more swollen, but it's not uncomfortable or tight.
Happy or moody: Definitely more moody this week. Each night I just feel like bursting into tears, even though I've had a perfectly fine day and nothing bad has happened. Maybe this new rush of hormones means baby is getting ready to make their grade debut!
Miss anything: Honestly, no. For being a little over 37 weeks, I feel really good. I'm praying the lack of sleep does not become a constant because that would be rough. But I only have 6 more school days and then I'm on my leave, so I can power through!
Looking forward to: Like I said before, I have Monday off and I plan to wash all our new baby things and get the nursery back in order. We have our next appointment Tuesday, and my doctor won't be there so we're meeting with one of the other doctors in the practice. I'm actually really glad because any of the 3 doctors could be the one to deliver baby, so I'm excited to meet this one before she is potentially delivering baby. It'll also be interesting to see if she checks to see if I'm dilated (they haven't done it since I have Strep B and they don't want to stir up bacteria) or just let me cook some more. And my maternity leave starts on March 1st, and I couldn't be more excited for that! My sister-in-law's little sister is currently in labor (!!) and I am SO excited to hear what they name their little girl and how her labor/delivery goes. Hoping everything goes smoothly and their little one arrives happy and healthy!
Stretch marks: The first have appeared :( They are between my old belly button piercing and where my belly button is now. Sometimes they look like tiny cuts, but I think they're stretch marks.
Sleep: Eh. I had been sleeping great - like 9+ hours a night. And then on Thursday morning I woke up at 4:30am, and Thursday night I got 1 hour and 45 minutes of sleep according to my FitBit. Thank heavens we had a PD the next day at school because there's no way I would have been a quality teacher. It's starting to get very uncomfortable/painful because baby has most definitely dropped and there's an extreme amount of pressure in my pelvis. You can't just snooze off when it feels there's a bowling ball in your pelvis. Luckily last night I got 9.5 hours of sleep, so it's all evened out. Plus I have Monday off to recuperate!
Best moment this week: Tuesday was fun because it was Valentine's Day and our doctor's appointment. The appointment was as uneventful as ever - baby is still alive! But we went back to el Camino and got $1 tacos and delicious queso and guac. It was a $15 dinner, which is pretty impressive for Valentine's Day!
My three Valentine's! :) |
Thursday and Friday were great because my school doted on me both days with tons of beautiful and practical baby essentials. I've only been there 7 months, and I was completely overwhelmed by the love and support. Each half hour on Thursday people popped into my room and filled up a beautiful basket with onesies, swaddles, blankets, lotion, bath essentials, and tons of books. And on Friday, there was a breakfast and tons of diapers and just a nice little gathering before our Professional Development started. It was especially fun because they doted on Grace as well. I can't believe how lucky I am to be pregnant when she is, and have this amazing support system when I still feel new here. So much love.
You can't even see it all. There's a basket in there STUFFED with things, and a bag full of goodies and more diapers. |
Food cravings: Definitely peanut butter and chocolate combinations. I had the most delicious and rich pancake flight at Snooze this morning that REALLY hit the spot.
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Peanut butter cup // Chocolate pancake with rum sauce and walnuts // Molten pomegranate chocolate pancake |
Symptoms: Just a lot of pelvic pressure. It's worse when I've been sitting for a while because baby just hunkers down in my pelvis. Sleeping is getting uncomfortable, but that's all normal!
Labor signs: Not really. I've had very minor contractions which I'm able to talk and walk through without thought, and sometimes I'm not even sure they are contractions because they're so vague or fleeting. The doctor said at our last visit to anticipate 3 more weeks of baby in belly!
Wedding rings on or off: On. I got my engagement ring off yesterday, but popped it right back on. I'm definitely more swollen, but it's not uncomfortable or tight.
Happy or moody: Definitely more moody this week. Each night I just feel like bursting into tears, even though I've had a perfectly fine day and nothing bad has happened. Maybe this new rush of hormones means baby is getting ready to make their grade debut!
Miss anything: Honestly, no. For being a little over 37 weeks, I feel really good. I'm praying the lack of sleep does not become a constant because that would be rough. But I only have 6 more school days and then I'm on my leave, so I can power through!
Looking forward to: Like I said before, I have Monday off and I plan to wash all our new baby things and get the nursery back in order. We have our next appointment Tuesday, and my doctor won't be there so we're meeting with one of the other doctors in the practice. I'm actually really glad because any of the 3 doctors could be the one to deliver baby, so I'm excited to meet this one before she is potentially delivering baby. It'll also be interesting to see if she checks to see if I'm dilated (they haven't done it since I have Strep B and they don't want to stir up bacteria) or just let me cook some more. And my maternity leave starts on March 1st, and I couldn't be more excited for that! My sister-in-law's little sister is currently in labor (!!) and I am SO excited to hear what they name their little girl and how her labor/delivery goes. Hoping everything goes smoothly and their little one arrives happy and healthy!
Last weekend Jon made me the BEST french toast he's ever made. He got cinnamon swirl bread and it was like eating at a restaurant. Breakfast in bed in kind of our thing. |
Happy just couldn't figure out why my belly was continually kicking him in the face. Gosh, he's cute! |
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