Thursday, December 22, 2016

29 Weeks, 2 Day Pregnant!

29 weeks exactly!
Baby's (kind of) profile! On the top right, you can see a nose poking out, and some lips. If you have a lot of imagination.
How far along: 29 weeks, 2 days! I didn't get around to posting this weekend, and the next few weekends are holidays so I figured I do some mid-week posts. Throwing you all for a loop!

Total weight gain: +22 lbs. Baby will be gaining a half a pound a WEEK from here and out and will double his/her size before they're born. And I was feeling big already...

Maternity clothes: Now that I'm on break, I'm all about the loungewear. I've been swinging leggings and joggers and baggie t-shirts for a few days. Although I did wear some of my cutest maternity clothes for my parents' visit. It does make you feel much better to wear fitted clothes. People know (and comment) right away that you're pregnant as opposed to wondering if you're just chubbing out.

Stretch marks: None yet! Still religiously using The Spoiled Mama stretch mark prevention trio and loving it just as much as when I first got it. Thanks, Kim! :)

Sleep: Still doing great. I was telling Jon how fortunate I feel. I'm a person who seriously needs 8+ hours to not be a total grump, and I was so worried that pregnancy would make me into a nightmare with all the pregnancy-insomnia I've heard about. I'm so fortunate to fall asleep fast, and stay asleep. I do get up to roll over and pee, but I fall right back asleep. I'm sad not to have my FitBit anymore because I'm not exactly sure how much sleep I'm getting, but I feel good!

Best moment this week: My parents visiting! It was awful weather in both Chicago AND Denver on Saturday morning and their flight kept getting delayed so I kind of thought it wouldn't happen. Luckily they still came around 2am on Sunday, and we had a blast! We did Celestial Seasonings Tea Tour and bought TONS of tea for cheap! I'm loving sipping on it throughout the day and before bed. We also got to check out my school, which I was so thrilled they could see. My mom and I made gingerbread cookies like we used to when I was little and it was a lot of fun. She guided me through the whole processes and they turned out exactly as I remember them from my childhood. AND, to make things extra special, they tagged along to my appointment and got to see baby in person (well, on the ultrasound). Baby was being pretty stubborn (as usual), but it was neat to experience that with them. We also got to go to the Christkindl Market and get Little Man Ice Cream! It was an awesome trip. Way better than when they last visited and I was first getting morning sickness!!

Also, I passed my glucose intolerance test, so I do NOT have gestational diabetes! Jon will be so sad since every time I ate sweets he'd whisper "diabetes" under his breath. Now I have no reason to stop myself! Other than excessive weight gain, but who's considering that!?

Worst moment this week: My students' Christmas party on Friday. Oh. My. Gosh. It was pure chaos. Lots of sweets, screaming, running, and a pregnant lady who was not having it. However, now I'm on break, so it's been nice to make my own schedule. Saying goodbye to my parents was sad because I won't see them for a few months. However, they will visit once baby makes their grand entrance, so that's something to look forward to. One thing that was kind of a bummer was I found a dresser I absolutely loved at Target for a GREAT price, and realized it wouldn't fit the changing pad. So we're still on the lookout for a dresser. Nesting has officially kicked in, and I'm desperate to get this mess of a nursery organized.

Food cravings: Sweets, sweets, sweets. Kim sent us a tin of beautifully decorated sugar cookies, and then my mom and I made gingerbread cookies, so I'm covered in the sweet department. I still try to get my healthy food in there, but the minute I finish dinner, I'm ready for dessert!

Gender: Don't know! Although our doctor was throwing us for a loop, asking "So we think it's a girl?" and then using the "he" pronoun sometimes. He's doing a great job of making it even harder to guess!

Movement: Tons! We found out baby is head down and unlikely to move (go, baby!), but my doctor said since I'm on the thinner side (or was, I suppose), you can see baby a lot easier. He/she loves to kick at my sides and still likes to be calm and quiet when Jon tries to see and feel. He's felt some hard kicks, which has been really fun. When I laid down for my ultrasound, my stomach was so lopsided because baby's butt was sticking out of my right side and Jon looked super freaked haha

Symptoms: Back/tailbone pain. If I sit for more than 10 minutes, my tailbone feels like it has a really hard time unwinding back into a straight position. Luckily the Snoogle helps realign my back for the next day, so I never wake up in pain. Other than that, I'm really not feeling pregnant. Oh, minus having a hard time getting up from the couch/bed and struggling with my socks.

Belly button in or out: Out.

Wedding rings on or off: On!

Happy or moody: Happy! Like I said, it's been a great time. A visit from my parents, Winter Break, Christmas and New Years around the corner, and Jon even gets a few days off! 

Looking forward to: The next few weeks! Jon gets off at 1 tomorrow, so I'm meeting him in the city for a late lunch and some exploration. This will be our first (and last) Christmas all alone, just us two and Happ. We're going all out and planning a great Christmas dinner and movies and a lot of relaxing. We're also planning a fancy night out to Fooducopia - a delicious and expensive restaurant in Denver - so I'm excited for whenever that happens! Even though the first trimester seriously made me question why any woman would ever intentionally get pregnant, I've been feeling really great since week 17, and am trying to revel in it as long as I can :)

Second time doing the tea tour, and loved it just as much. You just can't pass up as much free tea and as many flavors as you want. Plus we found a bunch of tea that was 50% off. We got 40 bags of SleepTime for $2.45!
Looking out over Boulder. Check out dad's cool glasses.
Our rocker came and now I REALLY want to finish the nursery! Happy is obsessed. Like he will leave Jon and me so that he can come lay in the rocker. He's going to be baby's best friend.
New Christmas apron that my mom made.
(Yes, I ate this for breakfast.) You can see some of Kim's beautiful sugar cookies, and our child-like decorated gingerbread cookies. I think Kim will need to give me a decorating lesson!
16th Street Mall is beautiful in the winter time! Spending time in Denver is way easier than Chicago. Less traffic, closer to home, and less people. All an introvert's dream!
I love finding clothes that make me feel like I'm not even pregnant. It's like a blast from the past!

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