Thursday, August 24, 2017

24 Weeks Old!

How old
23 weeks, 5 days

Hart is definitely going through a developmental leap right now. He's on the cusp of rolling from back to belly AND sitting up, so we think that's what's disrupting his night sleep a bit. He's been restless in bed A LOT, which keeps us up. Some nights are much better than others, but we're pretty ready for him to go back to his stellar sleep. His naps are progressively getting back on track since taking away his pacifier so that's a relief!

On Saturday, we finally celebrated our anniversary! We went to the Denver Central Market and got tacos and pesto pasta and an ice cream flight. Yum. Hart had a difficult time, but was able to hunker down in the sling and nap a bit of it. 
Monday was really fun because Jon got a work-from-home day due to the eclipse. It was nice to just have an extra day to relax together. Plus we got to venture outside during the eclipse (which was Hart's nap time of course). It was crazy outside and it made me definitely want to travel to see a total eclipse next time.

This sleep thing is definitely hard. I haven't gotten more than two hours of sleep at a time, even if he's just awake for 15 minutes or I have to pump real quick. It's exhausting. Luckily he's still super smiley and happy all day long. That makes it a bit easier! It's also nice knowing it's a phase!

Hart LOVES food! His favorites right now are watermelon and sweet potato fries. He is not into banana, but gives it a solid try each time we hand him some. He's really taken to eating solids, and knows exactly how to pick up a fry and cram it in his mouth (and then chew like a monster until it all falls out). He's gained almost two pounds this past month (he only gained one pound in the last two months!), and is all about reaching for our plates. I'm loving it, and getting excited planning meals that the three of us can enjoy together. 

At times, he can sit up unsupported! Then all of a sudden, he'll flop over. He can also hold up his weight on his feet, but also will just let his knees give out randomly so you gotta be holding on tight! He's just about ready to roll - getting closer every day - and has let out a "maaaaaaa!" when he's very upset (which I know has nothing to do with me, but we're getting there!). He can also effortlessly put the pacifier back in his mouth!

Looking forward to
We are housesitting again this weekend! I cannot wait! I love their house and their dogs, and it will be especially fun that Jon will be with me the whole time instead of last time when I was there alone a lot! It will be nice to have a little backyard so we can sunbathe while baby sleeps! Plus Happy will have a great time with his girlfriend, Hilde, and bestie, Ranger.

Friday, August 11, 2017

FIVE MONTHS | 8-11-17

Hart Barnett Heeter
FIVE MONTHS | 8-11-17

sitting up
laughing with mom and dad
petting Happy
eating everything
playing in the bath

being put down in the crib
when mom is slow during feedings
napping without a pacifier

supported sitting
putting pacifier in mouth
smiling when someone else smiles
pterodactyl screech

Things we can't live without:
bumbo seat

Looking forward to:
sitting up unassisted
trying more foods

Yeti & Hart