Monday, July 31, 2017

20 Weeks Old!

1.5 months vs 4.5 months
How old
20 weeks, 2 days

Hart had a VERY hard time staying on schedule while we were in Illinois, but hopped right back into things the minute we got home. He's been napping like a champ (1 hour in the morning, 2 hours in the afternoon, 30 minutes in the evening), and his night sleep is still pretty consistently good. We're sleep training, so he is up occasionally at night, but we're doing out best to help him through it so that he can fall back to sleep on his own. Overall, he's still been doing great! Especially with our pacifier cold turkey experiment (see Lows).

Definitely being home and getting back into our rhythm. It was super fun to visit Illinois and our families, but it was a LONG time to be gone (combined with house sitting), and we were all desperate to get home. Hart has been in a much better mood, and is sleeping great. It's been nice to get back into cooking. I think we've finally got into a rhythm so that Jon and I can eat and still feed Hart before Hart's bedtime. Small victories!

Going cold turkey on the pacifier. Oh man, it was hard. Luckily for my sanity it only lasted one day. The reason why we decided was because he was up every 45 minutes Saturday night "needing" it back in his mouth. It became the only thing that could get him to sleep, so if he woke up he need it back in his mouth. Yesterday was very hard, with lots of tears from both Hart and me. Buuuut he slept AWESOME last night, went down for the night without a fight, and only woke two times and all he needed was Jon to put their hand on his chest and he went right back to sleep. And he just woke from an extra long morning nap! So the terrible, awful day that was yesterday was completely worth it. He's already sleeping way more soundly.
RIP paci
Memories with paci
He's still a rockstar eater, and loves his two time dose of oatmeal. Jon feeds him in the evenings and it's really fun to hear them chat and laugh as Hart eats :)

Definitely a barely-supported sitter on our hands. If he gets his hands in the right spot, he can hold himself up! He's pretty grouchy unless he's sitting upright because the view is so much better! He also thinks it's hilarious when you stand him on his feet. We have some serious attempts at rolling back to belly, though that's mostly because he grabs his toes and rocks off balance. He's right on track for all his milestones, and is more and more social each day. He used to play alone for a portion of the day, and now he's not happy unless he sees your face. Which is neat, but exhausting!
New bonnet from grandma and totally killing it at tummy time
Looking forward to
There's a lot of fun things coming up. Our anniversary is in a few weeks, and we're planning some ice cream adventures and a possible overnight in the mountains. Jon may be working a trial in Grand Junction, and it might be a possibility for Hart and I to join him! That would be a fun getaway, mostly paid for by his firm. I'm just happy to be home. We recently weaned Hart off of his swaddle, sleep sack, and now pacifier. I'm excited for some relaxing days, finding rhythm in this new phase :)

Sunday, July 16, 2017

FOUR MONTHS | 7-11-17

Hart Barnett Heeter
FOUR MONTHS | 7-11-17

sitting up
looking at a cute baby in the mirror
being worn facing out
chewing on anything/everything
pulling mom's hair

being cold after bath
being cradled like a little baby :(
16-hour car rides
sleeping in the same room as mom and dad
Happy's scream/bark

pulling to sit up
holding on to mom and dad
touching faces
pulling paci out of mouth (constantly)

Things we can't live without:
activity mat

Looking forward to:
sitting up on own
going in stroller without carseat 