3 weeks vs 12 weeks |
How old
12 weeks
Still doing awesome! Hart averages around 10-11 hours a night! He has been getting up earlier and we think it's because it's so bright in his room. We have some room darkening shades we're gonna put up this weekend to hopefully remedy this! He is also all over the place for naps. Some days he naps around 3 hours total, some days about an hour. Luckily it doesn't change his night sleep much.
Having Jon's family here was really fun! We did a lot, and relaxed! We ate a lot of good food, watched some tv, and did some shopping! Nana and poppy took advantage of the outlet mall and really spoiled Hart with clothes for 6-9 months. He's going to be so fashionable! We also got to go to Breckenridge Brewery again, and Hart was a superstar like last time!
Jon and I had a couple fun dates this week. We did a picnic after work on Wednesday at Genevieve's favorite CO park. We had sandwiches, watermelon, chips, and angel food cake with fruit and cream. YUM! Hart snoozed a lot of it, but also hung out in the shade and oohed at the sky.
Hart and I met Jon for lunch on Thursday and we went to a placed called Avanti. It's a big building that they converted to a bar, multiple restaurants, and a generally awesome hang out spot. You can even get food and walk down the road to a brewery! Jon and I tried arepas for the first time and they were so good. We also got tiramisu for dessert.
Helping dad with some work |
Today we had to go downtown to get Jon's stuff from work, and we walked around Denver for a bit. It was super fun, and we even found a chalk art contest! It was pretty intense. When we got home, we got ready for Hart's first pool experience! He really didn't mind dipping his toes in the water, but once his booty (and other bits) got wet, he was pretty done. We had a nice little bath, and are relaxing now!
This isn't a low for me, but there have been tons of thunderstorms the past few weeks and Happy is miserable. He is very stressed, hides in corners, and follows you around like a shadow. Poor little pup. Luckily, the rest of us have been pretty good!
Hart is still eating well and consistently. He's not gaining a ton of weight, which worries me, but he is gaining length. He also has tons of wet diapers, so I know he's getting enough food. It's a little discouraging to see the number on the scale stay the same, but he's happy, sleeps well, eats often, and is overall doing great. I'm trying not to obsess over it, but I usually ask Jon each morning or night to weigh Hart. He had moved to eating every 4 hours, and then going 12 hours at night. Since he's not gaining weight, I'm trying to move him to every 3 hours to see if that changes things. He doesn't really let us know when he's hungry, so that makes things difficult. He's almost too relaxed!
No huge ones the past few weeks, but he's definitely trying to impersonate our sounds more and more. He loves when I roll my r's at him, and it's really precious to see him trying to do it back. He's starting to repeat vowels, which is really neat. I've been trying to teach him how to roll over, but he's more interested in holding his head up for now.
One thing we noticed is that he's now starting to cry when he wants to play with us! He used to cry if he needed food, changing, or sleep, but now he cries to get our attention. Hart also is starting to get quite chatty! It's real fun to hear his little voice, especially during story time! He loves to chime in.
Looking forward to
This next week being over! Jon will be on trial this week, which means he'll be working extra hard, and extra long. It's rough when he has to work so hard and barely gets any time at home. It will be nice when the weekend comes! We're also finalizing Father's Day plans and I'm getting very excited. We're going to go to Fort Collins for the first time, so that will be quite the adventure!
Thanks for the homemade bonnet, grandma! We get asked where others can buy them! |