Saturday, September 24, 2016

16 Weeks, 4 Days Pregnant!

Happy had to get in on the photoshoot today

How far along? 16 weeks, 4 days

Total weight gain: +5 lbs

Maternity clothes? I have a few clothes, but I’ve still been wearing my normal clothes. Luckily I have a lot of loose fitted items.

Stretch marks? Not yet!

Sleep: Pretty good! The past two nights it’s been hard for me to fall asleep, but I sleep well once I’m out.

Best moment this week: Friday! I had professional development and it was an amazing feeling getting caught up on some planning and organizing my desk a little. Even though I was at work, it didn’t feel like it since my kids weren’t there.

Miss anything? Nope!

Food cravings: Apples mostly. I normally get a craving, and once I fulfill it I’m over it. Like getting Taco Bell last night. I was craving a burger around 8am today, so we’re doing that for lunch soon!

Anything making you queasy or sick? Not really. I rarely get nauseous, but I was nauseous and throwing up on and off all day Wednesday. That was really rough because teaching does not allow you the flexibility of leaving the room when you need. Luckily I had another teacher in the room when I had to rush out. This isn’t really something that’s making me sick, but I’m finding it really annoying that people think they can touch my stomach whenever they want. I realize pregnant people are exciting, but the baby isn’t even that big, and it certainly can’t feel you touching it! Plus this is MY body, and it’s frustrating having people grab it whenever they want just because I’m pregnant.

Gender: Mystery!

Movement: I don’t think so. I can’t tell if I’m feeling flutters, or just normal stomach movements.

Symptoms: Acne still. It’s great.

Belly button in or out? In. Although sometimes it looks a little pokey, and is definitely stretching its way out.

Wedding rings on or off: On.

Happy or moody most of the time: Happy! I’m getting overwhelmed with work, so it was nice having Friday to catch up. Fall Break is in two weeks, and I am REALLY looking forward to that. I can’t wait to plan a few weeks ahead, and run some essential errands like getting our CO license plates, and finally getting fingerprinted for work.

Looking forward to: Tuesday! We have our next appointment and even though Jon will be on trial, his boss said he can come with. After our appointment we’re going to Lowry’s Beer Garden again for that magical garden burger that I’ve been dying for since I swallow my last bite a week ago. Since my doctor is in the city, it only makes sense to have city dates on appointment days. It's great. I’m also looking forward to Fall Break, and I’m really looking forward to celebrating Jon’s birthday. We’re going to a pumpkin festival (which feels like more of a present for me)!

Happy is a great snuggler

Prior to this picture, you couldn't see the color of my desk or my chair. I already feel like Monday will be a breeze (though that will change the second my kids walk in the door)!

The sweetest little gifts from Katie

It's almost like Happ can tell it's the weekend. He's much more at peace than the weekdays.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

15 Weeks, 4 Days Pregnant!

How far along? 15 weeks, 4 days

Total weight gain: +4.8 lbs

Maternity clothes? Yes! I found four tops, one dress, and leggings at Old Navy for less than $50. I can still wear my old clothes, but it’s nice to have the option. I need to figure out when I’ll tell my students and their families because it will be hard to hide soon.

Stretch marks? Not yet!

Sleep: Still amazing. I feel so lucky to get as much sleep as I do. I got 10.5 hours last night, and then we took at 1.5 hour nap this evening. And so far I’m not very uncomfortable while I sleep. I still have crazy dreams, but I feel comfy all night long.

Best moment this week: Going to Lowry’s Beer Garden with a few of Jon’s coworkers on Friday. They had the BEST food at this little beer garden. I had a garden burger that is making me want another just thinking about it. There was a polka band, and tons of kids running around. It was such a cool atmosphere. And it was next to an old airplane hanger so that was neat.

Miss anything? Nope!

Food cravings: Salt and vinegar chips, apples, and dry Frosted Flakes. I crave the Frosted Flakes when I want something sweet, so I guess it’s better than a pint of ice cream or gelato (which, okay, we have that, too).

Anything making you queasy or sick? Nothing specific. I’ve been feeling a bit nauseous and sometimes throw up in the mornings recently, but it subsides throughout the day.

Gender: Mystery!

Movement: Nope!

Symptoms: Acne! Where is that magical “pregnancy glow” they talk about?

Belly button in or out? In. Although sometimes it looks a little pokey, and is definitely stretching its way out.

Wedding rings on or off: On.

Happy or moody most of the time: Happy! I have a lot of time off to look forward to, which is the best when work is as exhausting as it is. I have a professional development next week where we were promised 4 hours of time to just plan. And then in a few weeks, I have a full week off for Fall Break. It’s just a world different than Cambridge Lakes. And I am so thankful to be there instead of CLCS!

Looking forward to: Jon and I are having a day date tomorrow while Happy gets his haircut. We’re planning to go grocery shopping and clean the apartment, but it’s exciting knowing we can snuggle without a little someone squeezing between us. Plus it’s REALLY exciting to de-hair the apartment while he’s out. I’m also going to attempt to make my mom’s famous oatmeal chocolate chip cookies since I ate the ones she sent in a care package in two days. Wish me luck!

This was the beautiful picture Jon took while we were in Estes Park. 

 From the Beer Garden!

We splurged and got fall drinks today at Caribou, and Happy ordered a puppiccino.

It was a real mess.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

14 Weeks, 4 Days Pregnant!

How far along? 14 weeks, 4 days

Total weight gain: +2 lbs

Maternity clothes? Nope, but we are going to Old Navy tonight so I might see if I can pick up some cheap essentials. There are days that I can definitely tell I am pregnant. I’m not sure others can, but it would be nice to get clothes that are made to fit, and not just squeeze into old ones and try to suck in all day!

Stretch marks? Not yet!

Sleep: Still doing good there! It’s getting a bit uncomfortable to lay on my stomach, but I get over 8 hours of sleep a day. I say day because I have been napping, which is wonderful. I snoozed for two hours after our adventure today!

Best moment this week: Exploring Green Mountain today! Jon found this cool mountain that has tons of trails all over it, so we took Happy and hiked pretty high up. We didn’t go too far, but it was a steep climb so there were some really cool views. Plus we got Starbucks and Subway after, so that was great. Tonight we’re going to the mall to walk around and peek in some stores. And hopefully to get dessert somewhere in the mall!

Miss anything? Nope!

Food cravings: I guess the most consistent have been Salt and Vinegar chips and cottage cheese with Western dressing. I’m off the fruit kick, but we did get angel food cake and strawberries and blueberries last night at the store. I’m also going to make some homemade whipped cream with it! Basically I love talking about food and thinking about what food I’m going to eat.

Anything making you queasy or sick? Nothing!

Gender: Mystery!

Movement: Nope!

Symptoms: Acne! It’s the worst. Luckily my principal announced I was pregnant at our last staff meeting, so now people know I’m not just bloated and pimply for nothing. Also shortness of breath. I lose my breath really easily, which was a huge reason we didn’t hike more today.

Belly button in or out? In!

Wedding rings on or off: On.

Happy or moody most of the time: Happy! While work has been exhausting, Jon does a great job of making the evenings relaxing for me. We had our Hello Fresh meals this week and all were AMAZING! However, we were uncomfortable with the amount of garbage that one little box produced, so we canceled our subscription. Plus, while the meals were incredible, they didn’t make leftovers, which is huge for us. Luckily they send you ALL the recipe cards for the week, so we can even buy ingredients and make the meals for the ones we didn’t get. We definitely learned some new skills and plan to recreate the dishes again. (Another food rant over!)

Looking forward to: Would it be bad to say next weekend? Work has been pretty stressful, so I value any rest time. I try to get all my stuff done at school so I can really zone out and relax at home. I’m starting to co-teach with our reading specialist on Monday since I teach the low group of kids. I’m so excited to have that support and gain so much knowledge on how to help kids read and hone in on writing skills, but it’s always intimidating having someone so skilled come into your room and see you teach. She’s the most adorable and kind woman – she reminds me a lot of you, mom! – so I really have nothing to worry about! But all in all, I’m excited to sleep as long as I want and plan mini-adventures with Jon over working. Sue me!

If you look veeeeeery closely, you can see Denver way in the background (it's tiny).

Jon and Dinosaur Ridge

After our two hour nap today :)

Saturday, September 3, 2016

13 Weeks, 4 Days Pregnant!

I think the bump is less baby and more cottage cheese with Western dressing :)

How far along? 13 weeks, 4 days

Total weight gain: +1.5 lbs

Maternity clothes? Not yet!

Stretch marks? Not yet!

Sleep: Still great. However, I do have the strangest dreams and it feels like I have about 7 a night. Plus they’re very vivid so I never know whether it’s a dream or real life until I wake up.

Best moment this week: Going to Estes Park today! It was beautiful there, and we explored a lot. We saw tons of mountains, beautiful homes, and the adorable downtown – similar to Lake Geneva. Plus we walked Happy around the town and they had a really cute riverwalk behind the main drag. It seemed as though Happy was considering getting in the river, so we got out of there pretty quick. Jon played photographer and shot a few bump photos of me and Happy so that was really fun, too. Just an all around perfect day! :) Not to mention when we got home, we put up some fall decorations! Our fireplace is looking very festive.

Miss anything? Now that I’m in the second trimester, I’m feeling great so I’m not missing a lot. We got salt-water taffy and I got a lot of cocktail flavors – mint mojito, margarita, daiquiri, pina colada – so hopefully that will help my alcohol craving!

Food cravings: Not really. I’m pretty into cottage cheese with Western dressing (thanks mom!), salt and vinegar chips, and the occasional sweet, but I’ve always liked those things.

Anything making you queasy or sick? Nothing!

Gender: Mystery!

Movement: Nope!

Symptoms: My stomach still drastically changes shape throughout the day (see picture above), but I usually begin the day with a flat stomach. This makes me think the “bump” is just food and bloating!

Belly button in or out? In!

Wedding rings on or off: On.

Happy or moody most of the time: Happy! I’ve been sleeping great, have a lot more energy, and am much more into adventuring. For a few weeks, Jon had to do all the grocery shopping alone because I couldn’t stand the thought of walking around the store. Now I feel like I could climb a mountain!

Looking forward to: Tomorrow morning we're making frosted flake crusted challah french toast. It's one of my favorites and very time intensive, so it's going to be an adventure! Also, we found a great deal for Hello Fresh ($20 for three meals!), and I cannot wait for the box to arrive! The three meals we chose are Caramelized-Pineapple Burgers with Monterey jack cheese and red cabbage slaw, Roasted Pork with balsamic fig sauce, green beans, and rosemary potatoes, and Smoky Black Bean Cakes with sweet corn, avocado salsa, and arugula. We love to cook so it will be fun to try new recipes and have all the ingredients we need delivered straight to our door!

Hello baby! Baby is facing the camera with it's head on the right and it's bum on the left. You can see the two halves of the skull!

Celebratory Little Man Ice Cream (french toast and banana chip) after our second successful appointment!

We drove up to Rocky Mountain National Park (and then turned around when we realized it was $20/day and we didn't have our walking shoes).

Salt water taffy because Jon loves the baby (and me!)

Leaving Estes Park