Happy had to get in on the photoshoot today
How far
along? 16 weeks, 4 days
Total weight
gain: +5 lbs
Maternity clothes? I have a few clothes, but I’ve still been wearing my
normal clothes. Luckily I have a lot of loose fitted items.
Stretch marks? Not yet!
Sleep: Pretty good! The past two nights it’s been hard for me to fall
asleep, but I sleep well once I’m out.
Best moment this
week: Friday! I had professional development and it was an
amazing feeling getting caught up on some planning and organizing my desk a
little. Even though I was at work, it didn’t feel like it since my kids weren’t
Miss anything? Nope!
Food cravings: Apples mostly. I normally get a craving, and once I
fulfill it I’m over it. Like getting Taco Bell last night. I was craving a
burger around 8am today, so we’re doing that for lunch soon!
Anything making you
queasy or sick? Not really. I rarely get
nauseous, but I was nauseous and throwing up on and off all day Wednesday. That
was really rough because teaching does not allow you the flexibility of leaving
the room when you need. Luckily I had another teacher in the room when I had to
rush out. This isn’t really something that’s making me sick, but I’m finding it
really annoying that people think they can touch my stomach whenever they want.
I realize pregnant people are exciting, but the baby isn’t even that big, and
it certainly can’t feel you touching it! Plus this is MY body, and it’s
frustrating having people grab it whenever they want just because I’m pregnant.
Gender: Mystery!
Movement: I don’t think so. I can’t tell if I’m feeling flutters, or
just normal stomach movements.
Symptoms: Acne still. It’s great.
Belly button in or out? In. Although sometimes it looks a little pokey, and is
definitely stretching its way out.
Wedding rings on or
off: On.
Happy or moody most
of the time: Happy! I’m getting overwhelmed with
work, so it was nice having Friday to catch up. Fall Break is in two weeks, and
I am REALLY looking forward to that. I can’t wait to plan a few weeks ahead,
and run some essential errands like getting our CO license plates, and finally
getting fingerprinted for work.
Looking forward to: Tuesday! We have our next appointment and even though Jon
will be on trial, his boss said he can come with. After our appointment we’re
going to Lowry’s Beer Garden again for that magical garden burger that I’ve
been dying for since I swallow my last bite a week ago. Since my doctor is in the city, it only makes sense to have city dates on appointment days. It's great. I’m also looking forward
to Fall Break, and I’m really looking forward to celebrating Jon’s birthday. We’re
going to a pumpkin festival (which feels like more of a present for me)!
Happy is a great snuggler
Prior to this picture, you couldn't see the color of my desk or my chair. I already feel like Monday will be a breeze (though that will change the second my kids walk in the door)!
The sweetest little gifts from Katie
It's almost like Happ can tell it's the weekend. He's much more at peace than the weekdays.